How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Let your sound surround you with the Denon Home Sound Bar 550

Imagine your kids being absorbed in a concert by their favourite artist on YouTube after school. Or streaming a nice movie on Netflix with the whole family, after a busy day at work. And to cap off the day, let off some steam with a bit of gaming. 

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Denon's Alternative Christmas Playlist

To say that 2020 has been a wild ride is a bit of an understatement. With so much change happening at such a pace, settling into the festive spirit may be a challenge for some, but we’re here to help in the small way that we can.  Introducing the Denon Alternative Christmas playlist.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

110 Anniversary Interview Series vol.5 Denon in Europe

Denon is celebrating its 110th anniversary in 2020.. Seizing the opportunity to celebrate this milestone, we are publishing a series of articles on Denon's history, its sound philosophy, craftmanship mindset, notable products, and interviews with key people on our official blog. For this occasion, we interviewed Yoshinari Fukushima, who is currently living in Germany, about Denon in Europe.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Denon 110 Anniversary Interview Series vol. 4 with Yoshinari Fukushima, Headphone Engineer

Denon is celebrating its 110th anniversary in 2020. Seizing the opportunity to celebrate this milestone, we are publishing a series of articles on Denon's history, its sound philosophy, craftmanship mindset, notable products, and interviews with key people on our official blog. In this article, we talked to Yoshinari Fukushima who develops headphones.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

110th Anniversary of Denon vol.3 Interview with Takashi Arai, Amplifier Engineer

Denon is celebrating its 110th anniversary in 2020. Seizing the opportunity to celebrate this milestone, we are publishing a series of articles on Denon's history, its sound philosophy, craftmanship mindset, notable products, and interviews with key people on our official blog. In this third article, we talked to Takashi Arai, who has been involved in the engineering of Denon amplifiers since the 1990s.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

110th Anniversary of Denon vol.2 Interview with Ryo Okazeri, the Record Player Engineer

Denon is celebrating its 110th anniversary in 2020. Seizing the opportunity to celebrate this milestone, we are publishing a series of articles on Denon's history, its sound philosophy, craftmanship mindset, notable products, and interviews with key people on our official blog. In this second article, we talked to Ryo Okazeri, who shares a lot of history on the brand, and who has been involved in the development of cartridges and record players.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

110th Anniversary of Denon vol.1 Interview with Shinichi Yamauchi, the Sound Master

As we celebrate our 110 year anniversary, we thought it would be fitting to delve deeper into our philosophy of sound as well as the engineering process behind our key products via interviews with the people who produce them. In this first edition, we speak with Sound Master, Shinichi Yamauchi, who oversees every Denon product that is produced. This is to ensure that the sound is consistent with what has become known as the award winning Denon standard.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Denon Home: Why you should think about stereo pairing

Wireless speakers mostly lead a solitary existence, rarely in sight of one another even when dotted around the house to form a multi-room system. Don’t feel guilty – Denon Home speakers have been expertly tuned to get the very best from a single compact cabinet.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Denon 110 year Anniversary - DUH INOVACIJ

110 let - zelo dolga je pot domačega zvoka, pot ki nas je pripeljala nazaj do prvih dni naprav za predvajanje glasbe in prihoda vsega, kar je bilo videti kot sodobna LP plošča .

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Denon Home 150 - Small size, big sound, easy to use

With the Denon Home 150, your favourite music is always at your fingertips. This small and stylish speaker delivers great, room-filling sound.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Denon Home 250 - Great sound to start your day

With the Denon Home 250, an enjoyable morning is always at your fingertips. Meet this stylish wireless speaker that offers great sound for the whole family.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Denon Home 350 - Unleash your inner chef with the perfect soundtrack

Unleashing your inner chef with the perfect soundtrack is just a tap away with the Quick Select buttons of the Denon Home 350. Discover its ground-breaking sound and possibilities. 

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

The 4 Best Spotify Playlists For Every Mood Now

Whether you’re struggling to get started with your day, looking for an oasis of calm, or basking hopefully in the summer sun, we’ve got the ideal soundtrack to match your mood and make your day.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

What is multi-room audio: everything you need to know

What is multi-room audio? How does it work? What kit do you need? And why is it a game-changer for music lovers? Get all the answers in our essential guide.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

How to operate a Denon Home Wireless Speaker without your smartphone

The new Denon Home speakers now come with multiple options that will enable you to play , pause or skip your music directly with the speaker. The proximity sensing high-end interface on the top panel of every model is activated as soon as your hand approaches.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

How to get the best bass out of your Denon Home speaker

At the beginning of 2020, Denon launched three brand new wireless speakers called Denon Home 150, Denon Home 250 and Denon Home 350 which all feature HEOS Built-in. These speakers bring music to any room in your home, with total ease-of-use, access to almost unlimited music sources, and impressive acoustic performance, based on the company’s 110 years of sound innovation.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

What are the enhancements of HDMI 2.1 and what is the benefit for me?

You want to be on top of everything and get a more detailed insight into this hot topic for home theatre enthusiasts like you?

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

What is HDMI 2.1, and why do I need it?

Nowadays, HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) is the most important connection method between sources such as Blu-ray players, gaming consoles or media players, and displays like TVs or projectors. Find out why you need HDMI 2.1.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Doživite tri izjemne predstave v živo v vašem domu

Preizkusite te tri primere izjemnih posnetkov koncerta na vašem prostorskem sistemu in videli boste, ali je vaša trenutna oprema za domači kino kos izzivu ali potrebuje nadgradnjo za bolj resničen občutek, kot v živo.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Koliko zvočniških kanalov potrebujem v svojem AV sprejemniku?

S pravo opremo za domači kino lahko ustvarite film ali doživetje koncerta v živo, ki popolnoma na novo definira vse, kar imate radi gledate. Toda med vsemi ponudbami izdelkov na trgu obstaja eno ključno vprašanje: koliko zvočniških kanalov potrebujem v svojem AV sprejemniku, da dobim pravo kino izkušnjo, po kateri hrepenim?

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Best movie scenes to test your home cinema setup

What’s the purpose of a decent AV Receiver and surround speaker setup? To bring the real cinema feeling to your home, with all the bottom-shaking bass, effects flying around you, and pulling you right into the action as if you were there. Here are three outstanding movie scenes that will test your setup to the extreme. Or reveal if it is time to upgrade.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Soundbars vs AV receivers: which is right for me?

As flatscreen TVs have become thinner, the quality of the internal speakers has drastically dropped. This means it’s crucial you enhance your TV’s sound. The good news is there are Denon options for everyone, whatever your requirements. Learn which product is right for you to upgrade to high quality home cinema sound.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Poglobite se v igro z Denon soundbar

Najbolj izrazita privlačnost odlične video igre je možnost vstopa v eskapistično kraljestvo, ločeno od naše vsakodnevne resničnosti. V zadnjih naslovih za PlayStation 4, Xbox One in druge večje konzole ste lahko kdorkoli ali karkoli: elitni vojak, NBA superzvezdnik, moški starega zahoda se je vrnil v svet orožja in tatov - poimenujete ga , obstaja igra za to.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Kako AV Sprejemnik Domačega Kina Prinese Kinematografsko Izkušnjo V Vašo Dnevno Sobo

Vključiti polno kinematografsko izkušnjo v udobje vašega doma z AV sprejemnikom je lažje, kot si mislite. Zahvaljujoč široki razpoložljivosti 4K televizorjev, predvajalnikov Blu-ray in sistemov za prostorski zvok si lahko vsakdo nastavi, da bo užival v nepozabnem zvoku za vse vaše domače zabave.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

3 Znamenja, Da Vaš Sistem Zvočnikov Potrebuje Novi Ojačevalnik

Nič bolj neprijetnega ni, kot da se brezskrbno odločimo za brezžični sistem zvočnikov, ki ima kakovost nižjo od vaših pričakovanj. Ne glede na to, ali ste ljubitelj filma, ki je navdušen nad idejo o ustvarjanju kakovostnega sistema za domači kino ali ljubitelj glasbe, ki želi posneti vsako podrobnost, ki je zakopana v posnetek, je slabo delovanje in slaba zvočna predstava nesprejemljiva.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Zakaj Mora Vaš Sistem Podpirati Tehnologijo Bluetooth

Če ste na trgu za sistemsko rešitev, že veste, da obstaja veliko možnosti, ki jih morate upoštevati. Katerim funkcijam dajete prednost in katere so vaše absolutne potrebe? Pri preverjanju različnih sistemov ne spreglejte pomena združljivosti Bluetooth.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Ali Vinil Premaga Druge Zvočne Formate?

Pravi ljubitelji glasbe želijo dobiti čim boljšo kakovost zvoka, ko poslušajo svoje najljubše albume in skladbe - zato so tako zavezani, da lahko uporabljajo samo najboljšo zvočno postavitev. Zvok visoke ločljivosti presega tiste zvočnike, zvokovne palice in sprejemnike, ki jih uporabljate. Oblika zapisa je pomembna, ne glede na to, ali želite predvajati glasbo prek najnovejših aplikacij za mobilne naprave ali se še vedno zanašati na zanesljivega predvajalnika CD-jev.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Pojasnitev Najnovejših Oblik HD Slike

Tekoči razvoj videoposnetkov visoke ločljivosti in zvoka z visoko ločljivostjo sta omogočila ljubiteljem filmov, da bi izkušnjo kinematografov prinesla v udobje svojih domov. Ultra 4K HD video in 3D zvoka omogočata jasnejšo, bogatejšo sliko in globljo kakovost zvoka kot kdajkoli prej.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Kako Izbrati Pravi AV Sprejemnik Za Vas: Kontrolni Seznam

Resnični avdiofili razumejo, da za ustvarjanje bogatega zvočnega okolja in zajemanje kinematografske izkušnje v udobju svojega doma potrebujete visokokakovostni AV sprejemnik. Vendar pa je izbira idealnega AV sprejemnika lahko izzivna, saj obstaja toliko prefinjenih odtenkov, ki jih je treba upoštevati. Odpravite morebitna ugibanja in po najboljših AV sprejemnikih za domači kino sledite tem kontrolnemu seznamu:

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Kako Se Brezžični Večsobni Sistem Primerja S Komponentnim Avdiom

Če ste kdaj priredili zabavo doma ali ste zgrešili svoj najljubši del skladbe, ker ste na kratko morali zapustiti glavno sobo za poslušanje, ste verjetno razmišljali o vlaganju v brezžični večpredstavnostni avdio sistem. S pravilno nastavitvijo lahko cel dan uživate v glasbi in sicer v več različnih prostorih. Medtem, ko se mnogi glasbeni navdušenci še vedno odločajo za žični komponentni avdio sistem, obstaja več prednosti za razrez kablov.

How to find the perfect headphones for your holidays

Nova Zapuščina Denona: AVC-X8500H Je Prvi 13.2-Kanalni AV Ojačevalnik Na Svetu

Denon ima zapuščino prvih, AVC-X8500H pa še naprej zagovarja to nalogo. Od svoje ustanovitve leta 1910 kot prvega japonskega proizvajalca avdio elektronike, ki je izdelal prve komercialne zgoščenke na svetu, je Denon v ospredju najsodobnejše tehnologije v svetu avdia in domačega kina. Zdaj je čas za ponovni prvi in sicer z vodilnim AVC-jem v liniji X-Series - eden, ki bo postavil novo obdobje domače kinematografije.


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